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The Benefits Of Strength Training For Women

exercise fitness health strength wellbeing
Girl doing barbel shoulder exercise

Strength training – also called resistance training - has evolved over the years from the more traditional style gym workouts into a vast array of options, but many still think it’s just about building big muscles. While toned arms and a strong back are great perks, there’s so much more to strength training - especially for women. From boosting energy levels to supporting long-term health, here’s why adding resistance exercise to your workout routine can make a world of difference.

Stronger muscles, stronger bones

As we age, our bone density naturally decreases which increases the risk of osteoporosis. Strength training is one of the most effective ways to counter this. By repeatedly putting controlled stress on your bones over time, this helps improve bone density which makes your body stronger.

Boost your metabolism to burn fat

Cardiovascular exercise – the kind that gets you breathing hard like running and cycling - might burn calories during your workout, but strength training helps build muscle which boosts your metabolism. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even while you’re at rest.

This doesn’t mean you’ll bulk up; rather, you’ll get a leaner, more toned look, and your body will burn fat more efficiently at all times of the day – not just during your workouts.

Improved posture and reduced risk of injury

Modern lifestyles often involve long hours spent sitting which can lead to poor posture and imbalances that can cause pain or injuries. Resistance training can help correct these issues by strengthening the muscles that support your spine and improving your overall body alignment. Plus, stronger muscles protect your joints which makes everyday movement easier.

Mental health and a confidence boost

All exercise is known to release endorphins, those feel-good hormones that lift your mood. Strength training goes a step further by fostering a sense of accomplishment. Each time you lift heavier, it’s a tangible sign of progress that can boost your confidence and mental resilience. It’s about realising your strength—both physically and mentally.

Increased energy levels

It might seem counterintuitive, but spending energy during strength training actually increases your energy throughout the day. Regular strength workouts improve circulation, increase stamina, and help regulate your sleep patterns. So, instead of feeling drained, you’ll notice an overall boost in how energised and active you feel.

Support hormonal health

Strength training can have positive effects on your hormone balance. It helps regulate cortisol (the stress hormone) levels and can improve your body’s sensitivity to insulin, which is essential for maintaining balanced blood sugar levels.

Additionally, as we learned earlier, building muscle mass can support a healthier metabolism which ties into better hormonal regulation overall.

Improved functionality for easier daily tasks

Think about all the movements you do throughout the day—lifting grocery bags, carrying your kids, or simply getting up from a chair. Strength training helps develop functional strength, which means you’re training your body to move better in everyday life. It’s about making daily tasks easier and more comfortable, with less strain on your body.

Enhanced balance and coordination

As we get older, balance and coordination can decline which increases the risk of falls and injuries. Strength training helps improve your balance by targeting the muscles that keep you stable, such as your core and lower body. With stronger muscles and better coordination, you’ll find it easier to stay steady and move with confidence.

Better heart health

Strength training isn’t just about muscles—it’s great for your heart, too. Regularly lifting weights can help lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), and increase good cholesterol (HDL). Combined with a healthy diet, it can significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, one of the leading health concerns for women.

More efficient workouts

Unlike cardio sessions which can take up a lot of time, strength training can be more efficient. Short, intense strength workouts can give you a full-body workout in less time.

This is especially useful if you’re juggling a busy schedule but still want to prioritise your health and fitness.

Improved sleep quality

If you’ve ever struggled with falling or staying asleep, strength training might be the answer. Regular exercise helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle, and strength training has been linked to deeper, more restorative sleep. So not only will you feel stronger and more energised during the day, but you’ll also rest better at night.

To sum up

If you’re new to strength training, it’s best to start small. Focus on bodyweight exercises – movements that use your own bodyweight against gravity without having to use any additional equipment such as squats, lunges and push ups. This means activities like pilates and yoga can also be used as resistance training.

As you gain confidence and strength, you can introduce weights. Remember, it’s not about lifting the heaviest dumbbells but about challenging yourself at your own pace. Consistency is key.

Strength training is more than just a way to get stronger—it’s an investment in your long-term health, energy, and confidence. By building strength, you’re not just changing how your body looks; you’re enhancing how it feels, functions and thrives.

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The Benefits Of Strength Training For Women

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