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Nutritious Snacks To Boost Your Protein Intake

fitness nutrition recovery snacks wellbeing
A glass of chia seeds

Protein is one of the key macronutrients that our body uses to repair and rebuild muscle tissue. It also helps to maintain your energy levels and keeps you feeling full and satisfied, so it’s important to make it a priority in your diet if one of your goals is to eat healthy.

Here’s a list of snack ideas to help you add more protein into your everyday eating routine.

Greek yoghurt with berries

Greek yoghurt is packed with protein and probiotics that help with the health of your digestive system. The only catch is that it can be quite sour, so add some fresh berries for a dose of natural sweetness for a healthy treat.

TIP: Still find it sour? It may take your tastebuds a few attempts to adjust, especially if you typically have a lot of sugary food in your diet.

Edamame beans

These young soybeans are not only delicious but also rich in protein and dietary fibre. Try them lightly salted or with a dash of soy sauce. Experiment with having them steamed, roasted, or made in an air fryer.

Protein smoothie

Blend up a quick and easy smoothie with your favourite milk or milk alternative, serve of protein powder, a small banana, and a handful of spinach for a nutrient-packed snack.

TIP: Protein powders are not all created equal! Opt for one that is protein-rich and has less carbohydrate per 100g when compared with other protein powders. Cheaper protein powders tend to have more carbs as ‘fillers’, and high calorie protein powders are more likely to be meal replacements as opposed to protein-dominant supplements.

Hard boiled eggs

Easy to prep, store and eat on-the-go, hard boiled eggs are a protein powerhouse that can be enjoyed on their own or added to a green salad for extra fibre, vitamin and mineral goodness.

Trail mix

A small handful of trail mix provides a decent amount of protein and healthy fats, making it an ideal snack for sustained energy. Use a combination of nuts and seeds such as almonds, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. You could also mix it up with a limited amount of sweet extras like dried fruit pieces, dark chocolate or carob chunks.

Hummus with vege sticks

Hummus made from chickpeas is a great source of protein and a great option if you are aiming to eat more plant-based foods. Use it as a dip for carrots or celery sticks, or capsicum slices.

TIP: You can also experiment flavoring your hummus with roasted veges (i.e. beetroot or capsicum roasted then blended in) or spice blends.

Chia pudding

Mix chia seeds with your choice of milk and leave it to sit overnight. In the morning, you’ll have a delicious, protein-rich pudding that you can top with your favourite fruits.

TIP: Make sure the chia seeds have soaked and swelled up adequately prior to eating them to improve your ability to digest them and reduce risk of constipation.

Peanut butter on apple slices

For some it can seem like an odd combination, but natural peanut butter on apple slices are an ideal sweet and savory snack that provides both protein and fibre. Give it a go!

Roasted chickpeas

Rinse, drain and pat dry a tin or two of chickpeas, then roast them with your favourite spices for a crunchy, protein-rich snack that make a great alternative to chips and crackers.

Smoked salmon or tuna on wholegrain crackers

Smoked salmon and tuna are not only high in protein but also heart-friendly omega-3 fatty acids. Pair them with wholegrain crackers for a satisfying snack.

TIP: To upgrade this to a small meal, add cottage cheese, tomato slices and/or avocado for a more filling option.

Protein bars

Individually packaged protein bars are one of the more processed options out of this list, but they can be convenient to carry around in case of emergencies and they do pack a punch for upping your protein intake. If possible, opt for bars with natural ingredients, lower sugar content and lower calories when compared with other protein bars (as some higher energy options can be the equivalent of a full meal!).

To sum up

Incorporating these protein-rich snacks in your daily routine can help you not only stay energized and satisfied throughout the day, but also help with your post-workout recovery. Include them as part of a balanced diet focusing on whole foods for healthier nutrition.

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