You're in the right place. Over 8 weeks, your mindset and habit change coach Ange Noy will teach you how to get consistent with your fitness, nutrition and self-care in a sustainable way without boring workouts or depriving yourself of real food (even if you're a complete beginner!).
If your goal is one or more of the following:
- Get into a regular exercise routine
- Get leaner
- Learn how to eat healthy using an 'everything in moderation' approach
- Have a personalised experience tailored to fit your lifestyle and preferences through extra support
This is the challenge for you. Read on to learn more...
The Real Benefits You Get
Do you feel you generally know what you 'should' be doing with your fitness, nutrition and wellbeing but nothing you've tried seems to stick because of your busy lifestyle? The Find Your Balance Challenge can help you with that.
You'll get:
- Confidence that you are doing the exercises that your body needs to be doing, safely and correctly (because sometimes you've wondered whether you were doing them right in the first place).
- A mindful, sustainable nutrition approach based on macronutrients and correct portions that encourages a healthy relationship with food. No deprivation, guilt or 'earning' your food.
- Results each week - whether it's your pants getting looser, a new habit you're closer to nailing, or exercises feeling easier. Each week there is always something new that you'll experience and keep you excited for the next workout.
- Support every step of the way because you're not alone and this won't be a lonely journey. You'll have others that have done, and are going through what you're going through.
- Motivation that keeps you grounded and not falling off the wagon even after those long days with the kids, an angry boss, traffic jams... (it can all feel like the same stress!)
- The 5 Step Path To Find Your Balance method - the foundation of Ange's coaching methodology that helps take you from where you are now, to where you want to be.
- Excitement of doing things you never thought you could do pain free, such as squatting for great legs without your knees hurting. Or even an ab workout without your lower back hurting.
What's In Find Your Balance?
VALUE: $1,200
Three 30 minute training sessions each week designed to progressively challenge and improve your fitness,strength and muscle tone over the eight weeks. These videos require no equipment, are pre-recorded and available on the website so you can do them anywhere, any time. -
VALUE: $320
Flexible macronutrient nutrition guideance and suggested weekly focuses to layer over time, helping you form sustainable healthier habits without diets or severe restrictions. -
VALUE: $500
Regular accountability improves your chance of success with personalised motivation and support. This also gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have that pop up. - DOWNLOADABLE WORKSHEET RESOURCES
VALUE: $200
Gain clarity about what you're trying to achieve, how to get there and what you need to adjust so you can move forwards when you get stuck. - 5 STEP PATH TO FIND YOUR BALANCE METHOD
VALUE: Priceless
Learn and practice Ange Noy's habit change coaching method that helps you figure out how to fit nutrition, fitness and self-care into your busy life beyond this eight week programme so that you can continue building towards a sustainable routine for the long term.
During the challenge, you will also get access to everything the Online Squad membership has to offer including the website hub, weekly Facebook live workouts with replays and motivational Mindset Matters talks.
For each of the 8 weeks, we have a new lesson to get educated, inspired and motivated:
- WEEK 1 - Refining your goals
- WEEK 2 - A healthier mindset towards food
- WEEK 3 - Keeping things going
- WEEK 4 - Progress not perfection
- WEEK 5 - When things don't go to plan
- WEEK 6 - Reviewing your goals
- WEEK 7 - The importance of wellbeing
- WEEK 8 - Maintaining healthy habits for life
Ditch the guilt & deprivation; life is too short!
Why Find Your Balance is right for you
- Concerned about the cost? Private personal training and health coaching sessions are typically upwards of $60 per hour. Find Your Balance is a group coaching membership that includes weekly 1-on-1 email check-ins from an online coach to personalise your experience, mindset strategies, a support forum, 24x 30 minute progressive training class videos on demand, and more for a fraction of the price.
- Worried about staying motivated? If you keep doing what you're doing, sure it'll be the easier option, but where will you be in 6 months? A year? 5 years? Don't wait for motivation to hit you, motivation comes from taking action - even if those actions are small. We work towards progress over perfection, focusing on our wins, and continually moving forwards.
- Too busy to follow through? When you're juggling a busy life, you can't afford for your health or self-care to lapse. In this programme, you'll learn strategies to fit exercise, healthy eating and self care into your busy lifestyle in a way that you can make it a priority.
- I've tried programmes in the past and they haven't worked! Usually when this happens, it's because the programme method tried to get you to change too much at once or that it was too different from what you'd usually do. We use the 5 Step Path To Find Your Balance coaching method to figure out what's working for you (so you can do more of that) and what's not (so we can troubleshoot it). This way we keep moving forwards and over time you'll build your own healthy habit routine that suits your life.
Don't just take our word for it! Check out what GGG clients are saying about the Find Your Balance Challenge...
Nadia B.
I've loved doing the Find Your Balance challenge these last 8 weeks, after finding Grace, Grit and Gratitude at just the right time. It was a really good level of challenge for me, achievable, but with a stretch, and showing the way for healthier habits and continued growth.
The workouts were definitely a new habit for me to fit into my life, but once I got started, I enjoyed the challenge, was very grateful for the different level options, and it was so good to start feeling fitter and stronger.
Having the structure and support were so beneficial to keep me going when there were a few points it would have been easy to give up, and I really appreciated the realistic approach, and weekly check ins.
Ange's approach and support was so encouraging, and has paved the way for more consistency and ease in my approach to physicial wellbeing and self care.
Annabel H.
'I’m really enjoying the Grace, Grit & Gratitude online yoga. The 21 Days of Yoga Challenge* was great.
'I've also been enjoying the online workouts and the Find Your Balance Challenge*.
*These challenge videos are included in the Online Squad membership
Get consistent with your simple daily habits and skills; your results will come so much easier
Do you feel like no matter how much effort you put into your fitness and nutrition, you find it hard to stay consistent?
You want to feel on top of everything, strong, confident and happy. You've been doing what you can but it never seems to be quite enough to get where you want to be; to drop a dress size, to feel more energised, to feel that sense of balance in life. Other things get in the way; taking care of others, work, social life, responsibilities, housework.
You get sick of wishing for things to change but they never do. Then all of a sudden you get super motivated - it might be a New Year's resolution, a great gym promo, an old dress you've dug out of the closet, an old photo of yourself, a new diet that worked for someone you know...
You dive in with enthusiasm, sign up to some group fitness classes, cut back on the carbs and calories. You feel great for doing something about it and get off to a great start - you might even lose a few kilos at first - but after a few weeks of this and so much effort, the scales stop budging. All you can think about is bread and ice cream, and you say, 'to hell with it!' proceeding on a carb bender, turning off your alarm and sleeping in instead of hitting the gym, and opting for a TV binge while scrolling through social media seems like a better idea to manage your energy levels than going out for a walk.
Frustrating? You bet. And we're here to tell you it's not your fault. A lot of women struggle to navigate workouts and diets without feeling deprived and frustrated, wondering if they're doing the right thing because there's so much conflicting information out there.
If you can relate to this problem, we have the solution for you.
Round 1: Monday 10 February - Sunday 13 April
Round 2: TBC
Round 3: TBC
Round 4: TBC
*These listed dates include pre-challenge prep week which begins one week prior; this is essential to make sure you're ready to take on the challenge from Day 1. Registrations for the next round remain open until midnight Friday 7 February 2025.
Already in the Online Squad? This challenge is INCLUDED in your membership!
The Online Squad membership
The guided version of the Find Your Balance Challenge with full trainer support is held four times a year beginning on set dates (see above) and participation is included in the Online Squad membership.
If you wish to do this challenge in your own time without email reminders or close contact support from a trainer, you can access FYB content at any time in the membership library.
Learn about your options to subscribe today (monthly, 3-monthly, annual) and keep your results going beyond the challenge. You'll also get access to everything else the membership has to offer.
Just doing the challenge?
Get limited fixed term access to the programme and the Online Squad Membership hub, $197 for a set time period of 12 weeks (all access will end after this):
- 1 week pre-challenge prep
- 8 weeks challenge
- 3 weeks following the challenge to complete any final tasks and practice maintaining your routine
'Women are so busy being 'superwoman' when it comes to our family, careers, homes, social lives and relationships (myself included!), we're told we can have it all - but when we're under pressure, typically something's gotta give and one of the first things to go on the back burner is often our own health and wellbeing. It's important to take care of ourselves, because we're in a better position to be our best selves and help those around us if we are healthier, happier and not feeling burned out... If our cup is full.
'This is not just about losing weight. It's about being HAPPIER, feeling more ENERGETIC, being the best version of YOU. Focusing on these things, making smaller habit changes and finding your own sense of balance are the key to results that last.'
Ange Noy